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Capturing and celebrating diversity and community building initiatives
GEEC in Action

Finding--And Keeping--Your "Zen", February 25, 2020

Finding--And Keeping--Your "Zen", February 25, 2020

Fall 2018 Photo Exhibition

Finding--And Keeping--Your "Zen", February 25, 2020
Summer 2020 Photo Series (Round 2):
How do you stay connected to and care for your community?

There was an intense feeling of uncertainty during the Quarantine days. The situation demands the photo to be in monochrome which will reflect the suffocation. People were lining up for COVID testing in front of Hospital Hôtel-Dieu located in Montreal downtown. Luckily I got access to the terrace of the building located opposite the hospital. The aerial view not only showed the social distancing, but the parked cars also added a metaphorical layer in the photo.

Some book stores reopened in Montreal in the first week of June following two months of coronavirus lockdown. With three shoppers allowed at one time, the bookstore in Montreal reopened to sell books face-to-face with the public again, maintaining social distancing and sanitary measures. "It is just a small step to relieve the suffocation of book lovers," they said. My friend was buying a book for his friend suffering from COVID-19.

Here are some photos I captured during a protest in June. It seems many people were aware of the social distancing while participating in the protest for justice.

There was an intense feeling of uncertainty during the Quarantine days. The situation demands the photo to be in monochrome which will reflect the suffocation. People were lining up for COVID testing in front of Hospital Hôtel-Dieu located in Montreal downtown. Luckily I got access to the terrace of the building located opposite the hospital. The aerial view not only showed the social distancing, but the parked cars also added a metaphorical layer in the photo.
2020 Community & Self Care Scavenger Hunt:

Scavenger hunt item: looked back through my camera roll to remember happy moments

Scavenger hunt item: chatted with a plant

Scavenger hunt item: reached out to someone who might be alone

Scavenger hunt item: looked back through my camera roll to remember happy moments
April 2020 Bingo: Self-Care Edition!

By Dalia Saldanha, Chemical Engineering

By Dalia Saldanha, Chemical Engineering

By Shaziana Kaderali, Mechanical Engineering (Raffle Winner!)

By Dalia Saldanha, Chemical Engineering
Summer Photo 2020 Series (Round 1):
How do you maintain your physical, mental, and social well-being while practising social distancing measures?

By Dalia Saldanha, Chemical Engineering

By Daniel Modafferi, Chemical Engineering

By Zhanhong Cheng, Civil Engineering (Raffle Winner!)

By Dalia Saldanha, Chemical Engineering
April 2020 Virtual Events Prize Draw!
Fall 2018 Photo Contest
Category 1: Where do I find a piece of home in Montréal?

by Anya Filina

by Anya Filina

by Sunny Weng

by Anya Filina
Fall 2018 Photo Contest
Category 2: How does our diversity make our lab a fun place to belong?

The Dorval Lab

The Hoesli Lab (Category 2 Winners)

The Tufenkji Lab

The Dorval Lab
Fall 2018 Photo Contest
Category 3: This is my research.

by Deepak Sridhar

by Deepak Sridhar

by Sunny Weng

by Deepak Sridhar