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Identifying ways to improve the education infrastructure

Signing a Contract
Audiovisual Conference
Analyzing the data
Bright Idea Bulb

​As student leaders, we strive to bridge the gap in communication between the graduate/postdoc community and the professorial body.


The way to effect positive change is to have everyone on board---students, postdocs, support staff, and professors.​ When everyone's voices are heard and respected, we can work together to develop inclusive structures and policies for all. 

Past Projects


  • In February 2018, we drafted a document compiling common Chemical Engineering graduate student concerns related to information access. Topics included understanding program admissions, degree requirements, teaching assistantships, and funding opportunities. We considered student testimonials and the quality of communications via the departmental website, e-mails, graduate program handbook, and in-person interactions. We then proposed recommendations for improving the clarity and consistency of information disseminated. These recommendations were discussed in depth with the Chemical Engineering Graduate Program Director, Prof. Phillip Servio. You can read our full report here.

  • As part of our commitment to wellness initiatives, we collaborated with the Chemical Engineering Graduate Students' Society (ChEGSS) to deliver a presentation on Graduate Student Wellness at a Chemical Engineering departmental staff meeting on May 21, 2019. This presentation aimed to encourage professors to actively promote balance and healthy habits among their graduate students, as well as brainstorm strategies for improving departmental wellness and inclusivity. You can check out our presentation here.​

Current and Ongoing Projects


  • The Director of GEEC holds a seat as a graduate student representative on the Faculty of Engineering Equity Committee. This position entails working with professors and staff members from the six departments and two schools in the Faculty of Engineering to assess, develop, and carry out Faculty equity initiatives. Areas of interest include (but are not limited to): introducing principles of social equity into the Engineering curriculum, developing diverse and inclusive teaching tools, designing outreach programs, and bringing visibility to existing equity initiatives and resources. Through this affiliation, we aim to amplify graduate student and postdoc voices, contribute our unique perspective on Faculty-level initiatives, and procure additional support for the activities of GEEC. If there are any topics or concerns you would like us to address with the Faculty of Engineering Equity Committee, please contact us.


  • In collaboration with ChEGSS, we are currently in the process of developing an annual departmental survey to collect data regarding equity-related aspects of the graduate and postdoctoral experience. This includes topics such as accessibility, inclusivity, wellness, resource referral, quality of communications, and administrative support. This would culminate in an annual report compiling the survey results and proposing recommendations to be discussed with the Departmental Chair and Graduate Program Director. By facilitating regular communication between our students and professors, we aim to foster better understanding and more effective solutions. Our long-term goal is to extend this model to other units across the Faculty in collaboration with Engineering graduate student associations. 

  • Since 2017, GEEC has delivered an annual guest seminar on Equity in Academia for a core Chemical Engineering graduate course, CHEE 687: Research Skills and Ethics. This seminar introduces all new graduate students in the department to basic concepts in social equity, diversity, and inclusion, with a focus on direct applications in their graduate career. Through a variety of discussion points and case studies, students have the opportunity to learn about relevant resources and avenues for developing non-technical skills that will help them achieve success in their degree program. You can view our most recent presentation here. If you are interested in implementing a similar seminar within your unit, please contact us.


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