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Community Engagement

2019-2020 Academic Year

Finding--And Keeping--Your "Zen"
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Date: February 25, 2020

Venue: Frank Dawson Adams Building, Room 3​


Discover some simple tips for crafting personal sacred space at home, finding communities to support your mental and spiritual well-being, and staying “zen”! This workshop is co-hosted with Carlene Gardner, Director of the McGill Office of Religious and Spiritual Life (MORSL). Features an optional 30-minute visit to the MORSL space to learn about their activities and resources!


Presentation Slides

April 2020 Photo Series

Submissions Collected: April 14-May 5, 2020

Date of Raffle Draw: May 8, 2020

Virtual Event​


In collaboration with the Faculty of Science Equity and Climate Committee, we collected photo submissions based on the following theme: How do you maintain your physical, mental, and social well-being while practising social distancing measures? Five participants were selected through a raffle draw to win a $20 gift card to SkipTheDishes! The live streamed draw and all the beautiful submissions are displayed in our photo gallery.

April 2020 Self-Care Bingo

Submissions Collected: April 14-May 5, 2020

Date of Raffle Draw: May 8, 2020

Virtual Event​


In collaboration with the Faculty of Science Equity and Climate Committee and the Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Society (ChEGSS), we played self-care bingo! Five participants were selected through a raffle draw to win a $20 gift card to SkipTheDishes! The live streamed draw and all the amazing self-care ideas submitted by our community are displayed in our photo gallery.

DIY Cloth Mask Workshop
Mask Workshop_Social Story 2.png

Dates: June 22 & 23, 2020

Virtual Event​ hosted via Zoom


In collaboration with the McGill Art Hive Initiative (MAHI), Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS), Electrical Engineering Graduate Students’ Society (EEGSS), and Student Wellness Hub's Healthy Living Annex, we hosted a couple of functional DIY mask-making sessions! Maria Ezcurra from the MAHI showed us how to make a functional mask with just some cloth, like an old T-shirt, and a pair of scissors. We also spent some time relaxing together and decorating our new masks! You can access the Zoom recording using this link (use the password 7F%?E.74).


Presentation slides (general information & resources)

Guide to making homemade filters

June-July 2020 Photo Series

Submissions Collected: June 15-July 24, 2020

Virtual Event​


In collaboration with the Faculty of Science Equity and Climate Committee, we collected photo submissions based on the following theme: How do you stay connected to and care for your community while practising social distancing? Seven participants from the Engineering and Science faculties were selected to receive a $25 gift card to Liya Fe, a delightful pâtisserie and one of the many wonderful Black-owned businesses in Montréal! All the incredible submissions are displayed in our photo gallery.


© 2020 by The Graduate Engineering Equity Committee of McGill University.

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